Publication and Publishing
(selection of books published by “MATE publishing” and ZSEM in Croatia)Srce Euroazije: Geopolitika političkog prostora
Heartlands of Eurasia: The Geopolitics of Political Space
by Anita SenguptaThe book investigates how the gained metageographic knowledge influences the understanding of global processes and subsequently transforms into geopolitical thinking with foreign policy implications. The book provides a detailed overview of the writings, both from and outside the "Heartlands" region, which consider the importance of the legacy of Halford Mackinder in the context of significantly changed world situations. In particular, the book seeks to examine how policy creators and strategic thinkers have used these geopolitical concepts as justification for their policy in the region and tries to analyze to what extent this political thinking has been transformed into practice.
Povijest Rima
The History of Rome
by M. Cary and H. H. ScullardThe aim of this book is to provide an extensive overview of Roman history in one volume until the festive Middle Ages. Its theme is the political system and civilization that lasted a thousand years and at one point occupied the entire Mediterranean and Western Europe. Research in this wide field of study is now being waged more intense than ever before and our knowledge in this field is increasing or modified in many points.
Modijeva doktrina: Vanjska politika premijera Indije
Modi Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of India's Prime Minister
by Sreeram ChauliaThis is the first complete book that provides insight into the international relations of India in the time of Modi. Under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendre Modi, Indian foreign policy has become more dynamic and more carefully planned. During his term, numerous misconduct and rehearsal, which transformed the global position of India, were realized. His efforts to reach every corner of the planet have laid strong foundations for the improvement of Indian economic, strategic and cultural interests. The clarity of his vision, his strong determination, the cordiality of his personal style and the speed of his measures globally, was exceptional in both content and form. He inhaled with Indian foreign policy a new meaning and enthusiasm.
Putovi svile: Nova povijest svijeta
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World
by Peter FrankopanPeter Frankopan, a brilliant and fearlessly wide-ranging young Oxford historian marches briskly through the centuries, disguising his erudition with an enviable lightness of touch, enlivening his narrative with a beautifully constructed web of anecdotes and insights, backed up by an impressively wide-ranging scholarly apparatus of footnotes drawing on works in multiple languages... This is history on a grand scale, with a sweep and ambition that is rare… A remarkable book on many levels, a proper historical epic of dazzling range and achievement.
Vrijeme Europe: Zapadne sile i raspad Jugoslavije
The Hour of Europe: Western Powers and the Breakup of Yugoslavia
by Josip GlaurdićObserving through the prism of Western politics towards the breakup of Yugoslavia, this book presents a new view of the end of the Cold War in Europe. Including in the analysis the declassified CIA reports, documents from the administration of George H.W. Bush and the British Foreign Office, evidentiary material used in the processes at the Hague Tribunal, as well as more than forty interviews with former diplomats and politicians from the West and from the former Yugoslavia, book shows that the Realpolitik of the Western powers failed in their intention to support the survival of Yugoslavia, but instead encouraged the JNA and the regime of Slobodan Milošević to violence. Hour of Europe also sheds light on the dramatic conflict of opinion within the Western alliance on possible responses to the Yugoslav crisis. Book identifies the roots of this conflict in the different preferences of the Western powers regarding the role of a united Germany, Eastern Europe, and foreign and security policy in the future of European integration.
(Books, collections of papers and editorial books of the CroAsia Institute’s scholars)- • Stopić, Zvonimir, Ramšak, Jure, Liang Zhanjun, Pirjevec, Jože (2023). China, Yugoslavia, and the Socialist Worldmaking: Convergences and Divergences. Koper: Anales ZRS.
- • Stopić, Zvonimir (2022.). Revolucionari, revizionisti, dogmatičari, psi i luđaci: Kina i Jugoslavija od 1948. do 1971. [Revolutionaries, Revisionists, Dogmatists, Dogs and Madmen: China and Yugoslavia from 1948 until 1971]. Zagreb: Srednja Europa.
- • Stopić, Zvonimir, Đurđević, Goran (2021.). Svila, zmajevi i papir: Kineska civilizacija, kultura, arheologija i povijest [Silk, Dragons and Paper: Chinese Civilization, Culture and History]. Zagreb: Alfa.
- • 白伊维 [Ivica Bakota]:《前南地区国家社会转向及社会发展研究》 [Social transformation of Yugoslavia and beyond] 当代世界出版社2019年.
- • 白伊维 [Ivica Bakota]:《第八卷:南斯拉夫》[Vol. 8: Yugoslavia]; 沈志华 [Shen Zhihua]:《冷战与社会制度转型》[The Cold War and the transformation of Socialism], 上海人民出版社2019年.
(CroAsia Institute’s scholars)- Stopić, Z., Niebhur, R., Pickus, D. (2020). Toward Nonalignment: The Improbable and Fateful Intersection of Yugoslavia and China in the Early Cold War, 1948–1951. in: Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies (Taylor&Francis, DOI: 10.1080/19448953.2020.1867811), January 2021.
- Bakota, I. (2020). Diamond stage in Sino-Croatian relations, Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR), XXVI(86).
- Stopić, Z. (2020). Croatia and the Chinese “17+1” cooperation framework. Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR), XXVI(86), 130-154.
- Stopić, Z., Đurđević G. (2020). No escape from Balkan? The ‘Balkans’ in the contemporary Croatian scientific thought. Southeastern Europe Studies (巴尔干研究), I(1), 162-190.
- Bakota, I. (2019). A new stage in Sino-Croatian relations. China International Studies, 6.
- Stopić, Z., Li Yunxiao (李云霄) (2019). Confusion between the communists: Yugoslavia, China and the Cominform’s 1948 resolution. In: Jakovina, T., Previšić, M. (eds.) The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After. Zagreb-Ljubljana.
- Stopić, Z. (2019). Četiri etape kineske kritike Jugoslavije [Four stages of the Chinese Criticisms of Yugoslavia]. Historijski zbornik [Historical Journal; Croatia], LXXII(2), 357-372.
- Silić, M., Njavro, M., Silić, D., Oblaković, G. (2018.) Health Belief Model and Organizational Employee Computer Abuse. HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations: Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Bakota, I. (2017). Political Economy of the Western Balkans and Chinese Investment Initiatives. CASS, Beijing.
- Bakota, I. (2017). Chinese Foreign Policy in the Western Balkans: An Assessment of 16+1 / 7(8) +11+1+ (n) / (1-1) + (1-1) + n Approaches. CASS, Shanghai.
- Silić, M., Njavro, M., Oblaković, G. (2017). Understanding Color Risk Appropriateness: Influence of Color on a User’s Decision to Comply with the IT Security Policy—Evidence from the U.S. and India. In: Business, Government and Organizations. New York: Springer International Publishing.
- Stopić, Z. (2017). Pisani odnosi s NR Kinom: Što su, kako i kada Kinezi pisali o Jugoslaviji i Hrvatskoj. [Publishing relations with the PR China: What, how and when did the Chinese write about Yugoslavia and Croatia]. Historijski zbornik [Historical Journal; Croatia], LXX(1), 137-157.
- Njavro, M., Posedel, P., Vizek, M. (2015). Regime Switching Behaviour of Real Estate and Equity Prices in Emerging Countries. Prague Economic Papers.
- Stopić, Z. (2015). Prikaz znanstvenih istraživanja o Drugome svjetskom ratu u Kini [Review of World War II Research in the People’s Republic of China]. Historijski zbornik [Historical Journal; Croatia], LXVIII(1), 143-164.
- 白伊维 [Ivica Bakota]:《南斯拉夫档案介绍》[Yugoslavia Archives Introduction]《冷战研究》期15第3期2014年.
- 白伊维 [Ivica Bakota]:《1968年苏侵捷克后中南和解的进程》[The Process of Reconciliation between China and Yugoslavia after the Soviet Union’s Invasion to the Czech Republic in 1968]《北大国关青年期》第7期2013年.
- Podobnik, B., Horvatić, D., Njavro, Đ., Njavro, M., Stanley, H. E. (2012). Scaling of Growth Rate Volatility for Six Macroeconomic Variables. Contemporary Economics.
- Podobnik, B., Horvatić, Davor; Petersen, M. A., Njavro, M., Stanley, H. E. (2009.). Common scaling behaviour in finance and macroeconomics. European Physical Journal B.