China and Russia Develop the Far East Gas Route (May 2023)
May 1, 2023Comment by Leonardo Đinić
Read MoreČekajući vilsonijanski moment kineske diplomacije – povodom telefonskog razgovora Xija i Zelenskog (Waiting for the Wilsonian moment of Chinese diplomacy – on the occasion of the telephone conversation between Xi and Zelenskiy; Originally published by China Radio International – CRI on 30 April 2023)
April 30, 2023Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreReaction to China’s Peace Plan Reveals West’s Lack of Respect (April 2023)
April 30, 2023Comment by Leonardo Đinić
Read MorePodnošljiva težina neprelaženja crvenih linija – povodom objave kineskog službenog stava u vezi rješavanja ukrajinske krize Published on 28 April 2023 by as “Što se krije iza 12 kineskih točaka o ratu u Ukrajini? Stručnjak: ‘Nesumnjivo da je skrivena kopija namijenjena i Amerikancima’” (What hides behind the Chinese 12 points on the war in Ukraine? Expert: “undoubtedly that a hidden copy is intended for the Americans”)
April 28, 2023Comment by Ivica Bakota; article by Maja Mahovlić
Read MoreConsultative democracy provides approach to more consensual, cooperative international relations (Originally published by Guangming Daily [光明日报; Guangming Ribao] on 28 April 2023)
April 28, 2023Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreKinesko-indijski “transfer mnogoljudnosti” (Sino-Indian “Plurality Transfer”; Originally published by China Radio International – CRI on 26 April 2023)
April 26, 2023Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MorePovlačenje “tajvanske karte” ne odgovara Kini (Drawing the “Taiwan card” does not suit China; Originally published by Al Jazeera Balkans on 24 April 2023)
April 24, 2023Comment by Zvonimir Stopić; article by Armin Aljović
Read More西方与部分巴尔干媒体又在涉华新闻中制造“温室效应” (Western and some Balkan media are creating a “greenhouse effect” in China-related news; Originally published by Capital Normal University’s Center for Study of Civilizations on 16 April 2023)
April 16, 2023Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreOd “dolarske diplomacije” do „diplomacije u tranzitu“ – američko presjedanje Tsai Ing-wen prilikom posjete Guatemali i Belizeu (From “dollar diplomacy” to “diplomacy in transit” – the American transit of Tsai Ing-wen during her visit to Guatemala and Belize; Originally published by China Radio International – CRI on 06 April 2023)
April 6, 2023Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read More10-obljetnica koncepta Zajednice zajedničke budućnosti čovječanstva (10th anniversary of the concept of the Community of the Common Future of Mankind; Originally published by China Radio International – CRI on 22 March 2023)
March 22, 2023Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreKina ne želi rat (China does not want war; Originally published by Portal Novosti on 20 March 2023)
March 20, 2023Comment by Zvonimir Stopić; article by Jerko Bakotin
Read MoreNakon „Dvaju zasjedanja“ - glavne „vanjske“ poruke Published by on 17 March 2023 as “Analitičar "raskrinkao" ključne poruke govora jednog od najmoćnijih vladara na svijetu: Treba li Zapad strahovati?” (The analyst “unraveled” the key messages of the speech of one of the most powerful rulers in the world: should the West be afraid?)
March 17, 2023Comment by Ivica Bakota; article by Maja Mahovlić
Read MoreStabilne brojke, pouzdana suradnja i konstruktivni stavovi – glavne „vanjske“ poruke Radnog izvješća Vlade na redovnom godišnjem zasjedanju Svekineskog nacionalnog kongresa 2023. (Stable figures, reliable cooperation and constructive attitudes – the main “external” messages of the Government’s work report at the regular annual session of the All-China National Congress in 2023; Originally published by China Radio International – CRI and Osijekdanas [Osijek today] on 7 March 2023)
March 7, 2023Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read More跨越理解中国式现代化的知识鸿沟 (Bridging the knowledge gap in understanding Chinese-style modernization; originally pubished by中国社会科学院 [Chinese Social Sciences Net] on 13 February 2023)
February 13, 2023Comment by Zvonimir Stopić
Read MoreŠto se tamo kuha? Posljedice bi bile nesagledive: Analitičari razotkrivaju prijeti li sukob supersila: 'Tenzije postaju kompleksnije' (What's cooking there? The consequences would be unfathomable: Analysts reveal whether a superpower conflict threatens: 'Tensions are becoming more complex'; Originally published by on 9 February 2023)
February 9, 2023Comments by Ivica Bakota and Zvonimir Stopić; article by Maja Mahovlić
Read MoreAfrika: Kontinent na kojem se velike sile natječu za utjecaj (Africa: A continent where great powers compete for influence), published in Hrvatska i svijet 2023 (Special edition of Večernji list), January 2023, pp. 128-135.
January 2, 2023Comments by Zvonimir Stopić; article by Dino Brumec
Read More2023年欧盟将扩向东南欧何处? (Where will the EU expand to Southeastern Europe in 2023?; Originally published by Capital Normal University’s Center for Study of Civilizations on 2 January 2023)
January 2, 2023Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreCroatia's road to Europe, (Originally published by CGTN, 1 January 2023)
January 1, 2023Comment by Zvonimir Stopić
Read MoreProsvjedi, a ne revolucija: Niti je ovo novi Tiananmen, niti je Xi Jinping novi Mao Zedong (Protest, not revolution: Neither this is Tiananmen, nor Xi Jinping is the new Mao Zedong; Originally published by Slobodna Dalmacija on 4 December 2022)
December 4, 2022Comments by Zvonimir Stopić; article by Zoran Šagolj
Read MoreDemocracy as a multilateral value from global perspectivist view (Originally published by Guangming Daily [光明日报; Guangming Ribao] on 17 November 2022)
November 17, 2022Comments by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreKraj XX. kongresa KPK (The closing of the XX Congress of the CCP) Published by on 24 October 2022 as "Analitičari za Index o drami na kineskom kongresu: Gubi li Hrvatska rijetki kontakt s Kinom?" (Analysts for Index on China Congress drama: Does Croatia lose a rare contact with China?)
October 24, 2022Comments by Ivica Bakota and Zvonimir Stopić; article by Petar Stošić
Read MoreSvijet prema Xiju: Stručnjak objašnjava što zapravo želi moćni tajnik Partije, zašto je jednu riječ ponovio 50 puta i čemu leži ključ odnosa s Moskvom (The world according to Xi: The expert explains what the powerful Party secretary actually wants, why he repeated one word 50 times and what is the key to relations with Moscow; Originally published by on 18 October 2022)
October 18, 2022Comments by Zvonimir Stopić; article by Miroslav Filipović
Read MoreUsusret XX. kongresu Komunističke partije Kine (Toward the XX Congress of the CCP) Published by on 14 October 2022 as “Veliki kongres kineske Partije počinje sutra u sjeni čudnih glasina” (The Great Congress of the CPC begins tomorrow in the shadow of strange rumors)
October 14, 2022Comments by Zvonimir Stopić and Ivica Bakota; article by Petar Stošić
Read MoreTko nema sigurnosti, neka jede demokraciju – komentar na posjetu predsjednice američkog Predstavničkog doma Tajvanu (Who has no security, let him eat a democracy – a comment on the visit of the President of the US MP Taiwan’s House; Originally published by China Radio International – CRI on 4 August 2022)
August 4, 2022Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreOtvorenje Pelješkog mosta – “Prozor” prema globalnoj suradnji (Opening of the Peljesac Bridge – a “Window” toward global cooperation; Originally published by China Radio International – CRI on 28 July 2022)
July 28, 2022Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreA Now (Very) Uncertain Trilateral Relationship – China, Europe, and the United States (June 2022)
June 1, 2022Comment by Leonardo Đinić
Read More“Our” Search for the “Win-Win” – Thoughts on Development of Area Studies in China (立足“我们” 谋求“共赢”——关于区域国别学学科建设的思考) (Originally published in Guangming daily, 光明日报, May 2022)
May 5, 2022Comment by Liu Xincheng (刘新成) and Li Jianjun (李建军)
Read MoreSummit Europske unije i Kine: između Lavova i Krakova (Summit of the European Union and China: Between Lviv and Kraków; Originally published by “Jutarnji list” in April 2022)
April 18, 2022Comment by Ivica Bakota Link
Read MoreHrvatski istraživač: Održavanje gospodarske stabilnosti i umjerenog rasta je ključna poruka izvješća kineske vlade na „dvjema sjednicama“ (Croatian Researcher: Maintenance of economic stability and moderate growth are a key messages from the Chinese government report at the “Two Sessions”; Originally published by China Radio International in March 2022)
March 4, 2022Comment by Ivica Bakota CRI link
Read MoreChina’s Relations with the CEE Countries: “Is the Chinese ‘stick’ longer than the United States ‘carrot’?” (2021年中国与中东欧国家关系:中国‘棍子’比美国‘萝卜’要长一些?; Originally published by China-CEE National Think Thank Cooperation / 中国中东欧国家智库合作网络 in January 2022)
January 9, 2022Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreLithuanian playing “Taiwan card” brings (un)intended (un)certainties for the future of Sino-Lithuanian relations: a Chinese perspective
August 2, 2021Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreASEAN-ova zagonetka: Hoće li ASEAN ostati relevantan i sposoban odgovoriti na globalne izazove? (ASEAN’s conundrum: Will it stay relevant and capable to address global challenges?)
August 1, 2021Comment by Tomislav Piškor
Read MoreResilience and inertia of small countries: Southeast Europe and China–CEE (16+1) framework in (post)-COVID period
July 1, 2021Comment by Ivica Bakota
Read MoreŠto se skriva između šaka i nuklearnog naoružanja? Kinesko-indijski pogranični spor (What hides behind fists and nuclear armament? Sino-Indian border dispute; Originally published by “Institute for Security Policies” and “Jutarnji list” in June/July 2020)
June 1, 2021Comment by Zvonimir Stopić
Read MoreKolinda Grabar-Kitarović joins CroAsia Insitute
March 17, 2021Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the 4th and 1st female President of the Republic of Croatia (2015-2020), joined CroAsia Insitute as the President…
Read MoreIndia's Ambassador visits Zagreb School of Economics and Management
March 16, 2021His Excellency, Raj Kumar Srivastava, the Ambassador of India to the Republic of Croatia visited Zagreb School of Economics and Management…
Read MoreHave you noticed a pattern? Japanese “shadowing” investments in the Western Balkans
March 16, 2021In January 2018, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made “historic” tour to the six Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries (Estonia…
Read MoreAnnouncement: Opening of the CroAsia Institute!
March 15, 2021The CroAsia Institute (CAI) is a Zagreb (Croatia) based science, education and business institution adjunct to the Zagreb School of…
Read More17+1 is not merely 18 – CEEC-China summits are here to stay
February 9, 2021On February 9th, only a couple of days before China’s Lunar New Year, China held a year-long delayed summit with central and eastern…
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