Mato Njavro (贺敢) participates the First and Second World Youth Leaders Summit (世界青年领袖峰会), held in December 2018 and September 2019, in Hangzhou China.
Organized by the General Association of Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Young Entrepreneurs Committee (浙商总会青年企业家委员会) and the World Youth Leaders Union (世界青领联盟), under the guidance of the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, the World Youth Leaders Summits represents a global platform for the exchange of experiences and knowledge of the young leaders and organizations from different countries. Participants of the World Youth Leaders Summit discussed globalization and de-globalization, benefits and risks of robot development, climate issues, biotechnology, innovation, space technology, protection of the ecology, youth’s social responsibilities, and other global concerns. Both summits were attended by nearly hundreds of representatives from more than twenty countries around the world, including government representatives, business representatives, and international academic experts from all over the world. Jack Ma (马云), who sponsored the first World Lead Summit, joined Mato Njavro in discussions.