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About CAI

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Description of the Institute

The CroAsia Institute (CAI) is a Zagreb (Croatia) based science, education and business institution adjunct to the Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM). The CAI focuses on wide area of research regarding the multidimensional relations between Croatia, China, Southeast Europe and Asia. By providing various analysis of different aspects of relations, offering fresh outlook on daily events, connecting people, contributing in exchange of knowledge, educating experts, scholars, students and general public, the CAI strives to create a continuously growing professional interdisciplinary base of knowledge, necessary to facilitate more effective and efficient communication between Croatia, China, the Southeast Europe and Asia.

Goals and services of the Institute

Media coverage

CAI provides objective and regularly updated reporting on current political, social and economic events in Asia, including the events which connect Croatia, China, Southeast Europe and Asia. Our briefings, analysis and commentaries are based on combination of multiple sources, information gathered “from the field” and expertise obtained by more than a decade long gathering of knowledge on Asia through education, working and living in Asian countries. One of the major goals of the CAI is to push topics regarding Asia and China into the daily discussions in the Croatian media, and thus add “Asian factors” to those Croatia is already focused on, all of which are shaping the future of Croatia and Southeast Europe.

Public conferences, workshops and guest lectures

CAI holds regular business, political and scholar conferences and workshops on issues regarding Asia, China, Croatia and Southeast European countries, available to the general public. CAI also regularly hosts lectures of guest professors, researchers, scholars, diplomats and experts on various fields and countries of Asia and Southeast Europe.

Lectures on Southeast Europe

CAI offers specially designed lectures and training sessions on business, finance, internal politics, foreign affairs, education system, modern history/culture/language of Southeast Europe for Asian scholars who are interested in expanding their knowledge on Croatia and the Southeast Europe.

Lectures on Asia and China

CAI offers specially designed lectures and training sessions on business, finance, internal politics, foreign affairs, education system, modern history/culture/language of Asia and China for Croatian domestic institutions.


CAI uses publishing expertise of Zagreb School of Management’s sister publishing company “MATE publishing” to facilitate translated and original authored books and papers to reach specific or wider audience. By expanding publishing activities on Asia and China, CAI hopes to fill in gaps in the Croatian and regional general understanding of Asia and China.

Policy making

On a regular basis, CAI creates political, social, foreign affairs and economic analysis of Asia, tailored to the Croatian needs. These analysis, which comprehensively tackle current bilateral relations, position both Croatia’s foreign policy standings within multilateral frameworks as well as within less formal set-outs, assess challenges, risks, potential niches and make comparisons with policies and practices made by other regional actors, are turned into policy proposals which aim to help the Croatian public and private institutions in their dealings with Asia.

Multidimensional networking

By using the vast alumni network of Zagreb School of Economic and Management, as well as networks of ZSEM’s and CAI partners, CAI aims to facilitate and further expand business, educational and political connections between Asia, Croatia and the wider Southeast European region.


CAI offers various specific consulting services to government institutions, students (Chinese, Croat and rest), private companies, educational institutions, etc., which include, but are not limited to:

  • - Government institutions: from basic-tool info up to risk, challenge, niche assessments;
  • - Student: facilitating, assisting and consulting in student exchange process;
  • - Companies: finding other-side-based peers, know-how tools to access CN/WB market for first timers, legal and business consultancy.
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